Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Lulu from the Lolly World

“Olivia….. Honey. Lunch is already sweetie” Mom cried from downstairs. I was watching my new outdated and awful new room when I heard that and I snapped up immediately.
"Mom, why do we have to move?" I complained to Mommy.
"Honey, I’ve told you, this is all for our good. I would get a higher salary after we moved here and we do not need to think about how to fulfill needs of our lives. You do not need to work part time as a milk girl anymore because all of our needs can be fulfill with my salary, "said Mom, as she poured orange juice into a glass.
Yap, I actually have already known it all. But, I just don’t really like with everything new. New home, new friends and new school.  I do hate try to adapt because obviously I'm not the kind of kid that easy socializing. But, I also can’t protest. I can not bear to see Mom had to work hard just for our live. New job offers large enough salary to meet our demand. After all, I had no friends or companions in the old habitation. My mom is the toughest woman I ever knew. He officially became a single parent since my daddy died of a heart attack when I was seven years old.
Dad ... Well, I do not remember exactly about my dad. I remember that he ever gave me a very large lollipop candy when I became a champion in my first grade class. Besides that memory, and some memories that flashed in my head, I can not remember anything else. Well, it's almost five years since she left me, so I think it’s so normal if I forget a lot of things.
"When you have finished clearing the table, you have to take a nap," said Mama.
Mama was a very disciplined about the time, no matter on TV there is The Simpson's to be watch; he would not let you if it is time for take a nap. So I can only answer, "Yes, Mom."
After I finished clearing the table, I immediately got into the room and threw myself to the bed. Well, actually my new room is not so bad. Just need some improvement. Maybe tomorrow I'll paint and paste wall paper and also displaying the trappings of my former self. It will definitely be better. After a long think about the new room design I started to sleep.
Hi” said someone, while patting my shoulder.  And ten I awake. Who is that?! She’s really disturbing my sleep! I rubbed my eyes and saw a woman who looks much older than me, wearing the clothes and makeup that looks very cute.
"Hi, I'm Lulu," she said, holding out his hand to me.
"I’m Olive. Olivia, "I replied that then shook his hand.
"Olive, you want to come with me?" asked the girl.
" But, where?" I asked.
“To a really fun place,” she said then pulled me out of bed. He sowed sparkling powder that appeared under my door and opened it. It seemed to me strange hallway with bright colors and fun.
"Come on, you do not need to be afraid!" Somehow I feel safe going with a girl named
Lulu. Not as usually, I have never believed to someone who just I know for a moment. And then we walked along the hallway and then arrived in a very wonderful place.
"Where are we?" I asked with full of curiosity.
"This is Lolly World. I'll take you around the world," Lulu said with a smile. Loly world like the world in fairy tales I've ever read. There were many strange plants that look like candy and confectionery. There is even a chocolate pond complete with fountains and surrounded by pebbles marshmallow. Lulu even lets me to taste everything! It’s really fun. All the people are friendly and polite to me.
There is even an old woman invited me into her muffin house and asked me to have a cup of tea. I also found many facts about the Lolly World. Lulu told me that the human in the Lolly World spends more childhood in their lives. Their ages are also much longer than ordinary human like me. Lulu said that Lolly World’s humans go to school for the first time when they were 20 years old, not 6 like us. But despite them actually older than us, they still look like ordinary people like us. So do not be fooled by their appearance.
"Lulu, exactly why are you taking me to the Lolly World?" I asked as we both were sitting under a Lollipop tree.
"Olivia, actually this world is in trouble. Since the king passed away the princess was always gloomy because he felt lonely.  She needs a friend and only girl who ever received a Magic Lollipop could be her friend," he explained.
"But, I never got any magic Lollipop," I replied
"Do you still remember with Lollipop that given by your dad?" asked Lulu. I suddenly remembered the Lollipop that I got from Daddy.
"Oh yes, I remember! But, what can I do to the princess and what’s the proof that the Lollipop was magic? I've spent it after Daddy gave me. Besides, I'm not good at joking people. So, I don’t think that I can do that," I said.
Lulu smile at me and said, "You know, Lollipop Magic was actually only given to people with sincere hearts. That person is you, Olive. Do not be afraid. You only need to be a friend and I'm sure you could do it. "Then he took my hand," now, let's meet Princess Anastasia. "Then, Lulu and I went to the Palace of Caramel by sweet cotton cloud.
I was surprised to see the atmosphere of the Palace of Caramel looks very awful. The atmosphere at the Palace was very different from the part of Lolly world that very cheerful and pleasant.
"Lulu, why were the Palace seems so pathetic?" I asked Lulu.
"Yeah, it's all because of Princess Anastasia who always cheerful suddenly turned into a moody and mellow. Palace officials feel really sad and discouraged," said Lulu. Hearing the answer, I could only smile wryly.
Lulu then spoke to an elderly man who looks like a palace official. Then, the old man led me to a room. I also welcome to enter it.
I saw a girl who seems has same age with me. She was not beautiful like the Princess in the fairy tales I've ever read. He's fat, short, his face full of freckles, her hair matted and his face looks so sad.
"Um .... Hey, I'm ... uh, um, I'm Olivia. Are you, um ... Princess Anastasia? "I asked hesitantly. This is the first time I invite strangers to talk. You know, I'm the type who could not start a conversation before someone stars.
"Go away! I don’t want to meet with anyone. Especially, with a stranger like you. Stay away! "
"But I just want to be friends with you."
"You lie! I don’t have Mom and Dad, my face is ugly and the worst is my best friend had recently passed away," she took a framed photograph and held it. I really fell sorry to her, then caress her back gently.
"He was very kind to me. His name is Andy. Unfortunately, he’s just an ordinary human beings whose growth normally, not like us, the man in the world Lolly." she said as she wiped a picture of her and also that people whose called as her best friend. I stare it carefully and feel familiar with the face of Princess Anastasia’s friend. Isn’t that ..,
"Wait! Do you mean that Andy is my daddy? The one who gave me the Magic Lollipop? "
"Is he your father? Magic Lollipop?  Do you mean it’s the Lollipop that I give him?" asked Princess Anastasia. I just nodded, "Oh, Andy .... you are really my true friend. You keep your promise to send a new friend for me." We both hugged each other and from that moment  I’m  officially being best friend of Princess Lolly's World and of course with Lulu. A big party was held to celebrate the return of the princess who was always cheerful. The party was really fun. It’s full of sweetness and happiness.
"Olivia ... wakes up dear," Mom’s voice sounded faint. I was awake. In my room and not in the Lolly World. Ah, what a shame it's all just a dream! I quickly get out of bed and hurried out of the room to help Mama. "I made ​​this cake for our neighbor. Can you give it to them, darling?" Without changing clothes I immediately execute her command.
After knocking on the door, I heard a female voice answered from within. She opened the door and I gave the cake. She let me in and asked me for a cup of tea and introduced me to his grand daughter who was older than me. Wait, isn’t she?
"Hi, Olive! My name is Lulu I'm so glad to meet you," Lulu said as she winked. "Remember. Everything that happens is a secret between us, "Lulu whispered to me.